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Sudarsan's Blog

Tag: Go

A little code generation in Go in 2020.

Perl gives me headaches. But I’m fond of one of Larry Wall’s three virtues: Laziness. This is a story of how sometimes laziness lets you do fun things.

Distributed systems and microservices are as ubiquitous as the coronavirus in 2020. This results in a requirement for a lot of integration. And a nice way to maintain the glue code is to use SDKs rather than have multiple services write the transport glue themselves. Like so…

How I got a 100 Dollar toy drone to follow me around.

It’s that time of the year again when I decide to add to my blog. It was my birthday last week and I decided to buy myself a small DJI drone to hack with. I wanted to get something lightweight, cheap and easily replaced. The DJI Tello so far has turned out to be delightfully sufficient for my criteria.

The video is here.

The experiment I set out to do is to have the Tello latch on to a face and follow it. To do this, I needed to be able to:

Why types are elegant

I’ve been working with Go(for work) and Rust(for fun) lately. I got pulled into the two languages for different reasons (easy concurrency and memory safety respectively) and ended up staying for a totally different reason altogether. Their type systems.

Composition instead of inheritance feels elegant, right and very readable. I’m going to talk about something that happened today when I was very thankful for composition and typing itself.

A colleague and I ran into a problem that quickly devolved into an argument and as it is with professional software engineers, wanton namecalling. For work, I’d written a common request making library. It wasn’t anything special. It would branch off of a http.Client and make requests and responses and parse them to specific interfaced outputs that we used for our internal client sdks.

Training a simple gender classifier with Python and Predicting with Go

Ever since Tensorflow released Bindings for Go, I’ve been itching to give it a go. The ease of deployability with Go and microservice friendliness and even simple http performance improvements make it really handly to build a working prediction application with Go.

The immediate and apparent downside for anyone who’s tried to train a model is how unintuitive scoping is with Tensorflow for Go.Python’s a lot easier to train models with for a newcomer because of a lot of things: